The Good Old Summer Time

Summer 2021 officially arrives this year on Sunday, June 20th.  With it comes summer solstice, the longest day of the year.  I’ve noticed that since Covid restrictions have been relaxed, everyone is out enjoying the good old outdoors.  Neighborhood playgrounds are busy with children running, climbing, swinging and interacting with their friends.  Lawn chairs and canopies line the edges of soccer and baseball fields as local sports resume.  Beaches are full.  Theme parks are packed.  National Parks are seeing a record number of visitors.  Even the four-legged members of the community are out and about walking, frolicking and soaking up the sun.  Jellybean and I recently held our first author event/story time at a local camp ground.  It felt so good to once again be among children and adults alike as we sat out in the sun and shared our stories with the weekend campers. 

Jellybean is like most dogs in that she enjoys being outside as long as the temperatures and humidity are not excessive.  She frolics in the grass, rolling her way across the yard.  Of course this often results in a major sneezing frenzy, as her allergies get the best of her.  Jellybean also enjoys splashing in the kiddie pool with her best bud, Jay.  If you know Jellybean, then you know she is fashionably dressed in a colorful bathing suit.  She also proudly wears her little pink flowered ball cap when riding in the car when the sun roof is open. True to form she always dresses the part.  Summer also means lots of bunnies in the yard and for Jellybean that means they will be leaving behind some of their delectable treats, which I refer to as “rabbit delights.”  Is your pup also fascinated with rabbit droppings?  Naturally we take lots of walks this time of the year. However, as my neighbors have noticed, Jellybean is not that into walking.  She strolls, then, flops.  She simply lies in the grass soaking up the sun.  It takes quite a bit of coaxing and tugging to get her moving.  For a little dog she can certainly stand her ground. 

Jellybean loves going out on the deck.  I think it is because she can be outside leash free.  I only have to mention that we are going out on the deck and she instantly perks up, grabs a toy or bone and out the door we go.  She sniffs and snuffs, sometimes plays with her toy, then ultimately jumps up on my lap to get a better view of the field across from the deck.  She is content to sit on my lap, her eyes constantly scanning the landscape looking for birds, bunnies, groundhogs, deer and whatever else nature sends our way.  A couple weeks ago it was a baby black snake.  It took me about a week to talk myself into going back out there to relax in the sun, as I am a big chicken when it comes to things that slither. 

What kinds of things do you do with your four-legged friends this time of the year?  Dog parks are quite popular, although we have never been to one.  My mother has watched one too many Judge Judy episodes featuring horror stories in which dogs have been bitten while playing, and it has made me a bit apprehensive.  Jellybean is a daycare dog and is used to playing and romping with dogs.  In a dog park situation, I fear this would not go over well.  What kinds of opportunities do you give your dogs for outside play?  In the heat of the summer do you give your pooch special treats?  I’ve seen recipes for frozen treats for dogs.  Have you tried any of them or have a cool summer treat recipe to share?  I am excited to hear from you!  In the meantime, stay cool, healthy and happy!  Take it from Jellybean; keep your belly in the cool grass and your eyes on any little treats that may be out there waiting for you. 

Jellybean’s Closet

Naughty Little Puppy

The Perfect Hiding Place

Sloppy Kisses

Beverly Stiffler Smith

Children’s Author